Studies into the History of Russia and Central-Eastern Europe, vol. 58. Special Issue (2023)
Andrzej Pieczewski, The attitude of the tsarist authorities towards railway – consequences for the Polish lands (until 1879). Jan Gottlieb Bloch’s “new” perspective
Joanna Gierowska-Kałłaur, The drawing of borders in occupied territories of the former Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth as an instrument of implementation of German special policies
Norbert Morawiec, Between politics, memory, and historiography. Mikhail Koyalovich’s West Russianism in the reflections of “neo-West Russianism”
Hubert Kuberski, The German concept of “self-cleansing actions” (Selbstreinigungsaktionen) – formulation, implementation, oblivion, and suppression
Renata Król-Mazur, Religious sects as a threat to social security in the Republic of Armenia
Małgorzata Abassy, Katarzyna Kosowska, Agata Krzydzińska, A smart shift in Belarus: Tikhanovskaya instead of Lukashenko?
Łukasz Jurenczyk, The United States against Russian aggression in Ukraine in 2022
Janusz T. Hryniewicz, The impact of processes of long duration on the cultural potential for economic development in the peripheries of the European Union